STW located in Schenkenzell in the Black Forest, is a medium-sized family business with over 95 employees and is the technology leader in the field of short fibres. From natural fibres through synthetic fibres to high-tech fibres, we develop and manufacture high-quality technical fibre fillers, fibrids & pulp and short cut fibres, tailored to customers’ requirements. Our products are present in a variety of applications, ranging from the automotive and construction industries to renewable energies and paper, through to plastics and cosmetic products. So, working at STW is both exciting and fun!
We were delighted to be named ‘Top Employer in Medium-Sized Companies 2023’ by yourfirm, one of the largest online job portals for medium-sized companies in the German-speaking region.
One of the largest online job portals in the German-speaking region for medium-sized companies, yourfirm named us ‘Top Employer in Medium-Sized Companies 2023’. Every year since 2015, yourfirm has been selecting the 1,000 top employers based on a popularity index for published job advertisements and company profiles among the candidates.
Recognised as an outstanding medium-sized employer: 2023 certificate as PDF file
You could not find a suitable position? We look forward to your initiative application.