Hemp fibres belong to the bast fibre family and have been successfully cultivated and processed by humans for thousands of years. The fibres are made up of 60–70 % cellulose and have an average fibre length of approx. 25 mm with an average diameter of approx. 25 µm. Other important components are hemicellulose, lignin and, to a lesser extent, pectins, waxes and minerals. Nowadays hemp fibres are mainly used in hemp papers and in rope making. But due to the increasing demand for more ecological products, hemp is enjoying rising popularity in applications such as fibre-reinforced composites, textiles and insulation materials.
In the first step, the so-called fibre digestion, the bast fibres are separated from the rest of the plant by rolling and breaking, then scraped and cleaned by what is known as scutching and heckling (or hackling). During its production, a distinction is made between the more complex, traditional long fibre pulping, the products of which are mainly used in textile products, and the so-called short and total fibre line, which is produced in modern digestion plants and is optimised for technical use of the fibres. In contrast to long-fibre production, short-fibre production does not require water retting in the field. The fibres are obtained purely through mechanical forces and various successive cleaning processes.
Fibre Filler
Contact our fibre experts and discover our extensive STW sample box with numerous raw material samples, personally tailored to your needs and requirements.
State-of-the-art laboratory facilities, quality management according to ISO 9001:2015, energy management according to ISO 50001:2018 and last but not least the high demands on our own work ensure the high quality standards of our Hemp fibre. See for yourself.
If you want to know more about the technology and quality of our Hemp fibre If you want to know, just get in touch with us. We would be happy to advise you comprehensively and help you with our know-how.
You are looking for the perfect Hemp fibre for your application or have an exact requirement profile, which the used Hemp fibre must fulfill?
Then you are exactly right, as a technology leader in the field of fiber development and production, we offer you individual solutions and manufacturing processes that ensure constant and reproducible fiber quality.