(European Chemicals Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals).
Our product portfolio includes fibrous products that are produced in the form of staple fibres, ground fibres or fibrids and are products within the meaning of REACH. They are not, however, products that fall under the provisions for registration under Art. 7(1) or Art. 7(2).
Deciding what an article is under REACH: An article is an object that, during production, is given a special shape, surface or design which is of greater importance than the chemical composition. (REACH, Article 3(3)).
Our fibres are manufactured for a wide variety of applications. We manufacture fibres in cut or ground form from one and the same starting fibre, for example, or deliver them as fibrids. For the end application, the geometric shape, length, surface and fibre type is a more important criterion for the use of the fibre than the chemical composition.
If you have any questions, our service team will be happy to help you.
EcoVadis provides companies with a cloud-based platform with holistic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ratings. The EcoVadis rating covers topics such as labour and human rights, ethics, environmental impact, sustainable procurement, etc. and evaluates companies taking into account their size, location and industry.
These evidence-based ratings translate into easy-to-read scorecards with scores from zero to one hundred (0–100) and medals (bronze, silver, and gold). Large multinational companies also work together with EcoVadis on their sustainability or how to optimise their global supply chains.
In October 2021, STW was awarded a silver medal in recognition of its EcoVadis rating.
DIN EN ISO 9001 is part of the world-renowned QM standard series DIN EN ISO 9000 that lays the foundation for quality assurance and quality management.
We have designed our processes in such a way that the role of customers is emphasised, and their product and service requirements are met. In our everyday business, we endeavour to increase customer satisfaction and to comply with binding obligations, focusing our activities on the requirements of the QMS (DIN EN ISO 9001:2015).
In accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2018, our EnMS (Energy Management System) includes the organisational and information structures required to fulfil the energy management, including the necessary technical tools to operate sustainably.
Following the PDCA cycle, we observe all framework conditions that are relevant to us and regulate changes using the process-oriented approach.