Synthetic Fibres
In the field of technical polymer fibres, we offer customised solutions for a wide range of application fields. From economically attractive commodity polymers such as PP, to technical polymer fibres such as polyacrylonitrile and polyester, to high-performance polymers such as polyaramide, we cover a complete range of materials with different properties. In addition, we address your requirements through our specific processing technologies. For many of our polymer fibres, you can choose between milled fibre fillers, precision short cut and surface-enhanced fibrid fibres.

Acrylic fibre
Acrylic fibres, also called PAC or PAN, consist of at least 85 % of the monomer acrylonitrile. The co-monomers methyl…

Aramid Fibre
The word ‘aramid’ is a composite of the words ‘aromatic’ and ‘polyamide’ and is also known by the protected brand names…

Carbon fibre
Carbon fibres have become well known through their use in carbon fibre-reinforced components. Installed in racing or…

Polyamide fibre
Polyamide-based fibres are generally better known by the protected brand names Nylon® and Perlon®. Polyamides are formed…

Polyester fibre
The group of polyester fibres represents the largest proportion of synthetically produced fibres worldwide. Although many…

Polyethylene fibre
Polyethylene (PE for short) belongs to the polyolefin family and, together with polypropylene, is the most widely produced…

Polypropylene fibre
Polypropylene (or PP for short) belongs to the polyolefin family and is the most widely used plastic in Europe in terms of…

Lightweight Fillers
Our lightweight filler ‘Stiff’ consists of hollow microspheres that consist largely of silicon dioxide and aluminium dioxide.…

Polyvinyl alcohol fibre
Polyvinyl alcohol (or PVA for short) is formally the polymer of vinyl alcohol. It is also known under protected brand names…